We Increased Our Client’s Bottom Line by 70% with Their Real Estate App
We Increased Our Client’s Bottom Line by 70% with Their Real Estate App

Our client is a digital real estate brokerage company that offers a personalized, secure and highly cost-effective medium to individuals who are into buying, selling, and renting residential real estate.
They own a mobile and a desktop application which serves as a platform for potential property buyers to search for ongoing new condominium development projects and suites.
It lets them browse and view different details related to the properties, talk to agents via call or chat, add properties to their own list and request to reserve and acquire one or more suites.
The e-commerce website needed to have all the good and relevant features and functions to let the users browse, short-list, and buy products with utmost ease in addition to having an excellent user experience.
They also needed to improve the overall look and feel of the website.
We needed to build two sets of application – a mobile app and a desktop app.
The applications needed to be super fast and smooth with utmost clarity in navigation. Also, it had to be designed in a way so as to accommodate optimum information per screen for a great user experience.
A search and filter functionality to be enabled to let the app users search properties and filter out results on the basis of area, location, price range, etc. Also, the content of the app had to be perfectly balanced within text content and images as it involves users who are actively looking for properties.
An option to let users chat or call up agents using the app had to be enabled.
An admin panel had to be implemented to let the superuser(s) manage all the contents, pages, blog, and products of the e-commerce platform.
There were also multiple on-page issues that needed to be fixed.
Implementation of Plan
After understanding all the specifications & requirements of the client in detail, we categorized the whole design and development process into 4 major tasks:
- Android Mobile Application Design & Development
- iOS Mobile Application Design & Development
- Web Application Design & Development
- Server Side Application Development
For server side development, we used Node,js, MVC 5.x, MySQL and Apache.
We started off with wire-frames for the features and functionalities for the application.
Being an application related to buying, selling, and renting properties we ensured that we come up with every feature which the users will need to search and find the properties of their choice.
After getting client’s approval and feedback on the design mock-ups and the wire-frames we progressed with the design and development.
We began with a ‘splash’ screen with clear and distinct branding. This screen stayed for 2-3 seconds when starting the app.
The role of a splash screen is to place the brand image in the users’ minds.
An introduction screen comes up just after the splash screen. This contains ‘Login and Registration’ options for the users. The users can choose to register or login from this screen or they can proceed and browse the app as guest.
As specified by the client, we did not make it mandatory for the users to Login and Register for using the app, nor we did create any login/register prompt. The app should allow maximum access to users to look for the properties they want.
However, for the users who choose to register, we enabled certain features for them like Reserving a suite, creating a ‘My Properties’ list for listing their favorite properties, etc.
We made the Login & Registration process plain and simple. A user just need a mobile number, name and set a password to register with email as an option. We made a password criteria and password recovery option via OTP and an email.
After the introduction screen, the users arrive on the application dashboard.
The dashboard is the foremost part of the application where the users will start searching for properties.
So, we designed the dashboard with utmost care, keeping in mind the users’ requirements and expectations.
- Menu panel – to let users access the application menus like purchase criteria, my properties, builders, registration, etc.
- Message centre – to let users chat with property agents or the application’s support personnel.
- Call support – to let users make call to the support personnel using the phone’s dial pad.
In the dashboard, we placed a search option at the top, it lets the users search for properties with project name, builder name, property location, etc.
Also, we enabled advanced sorting functionality in search results to let the app users filter and find properties based upon location, age of property, price range, etc.
To make it easy for the users to compare properties, the dashboard screen allows the users to toggle between projects and builders.
We built two major screens, one for projects and another for builders.
We also created an option for the admin to mark some projects and builders as ‘featured’ which will be displayed on the top of project and builder lists.
The Project Screen
The projects displayed in the list show the following:
- One or more images of the project (users can swipe left or right to see all the images)
- One or more videos of the project (shown as an icon which user can click to see the video as an overlay)
- Price range of properties
- Address of the project location
- Name of project’s builder
The Builder Screen
It serves as the ‘control centre’ for every aspect of the application, such as:
- Adding/Deleting/Modifying existing properties and builders.
- Selecting properties/builders to be featured.
- Upload, Store & Display marketing and legal documents related to the properties.
- Managing reservations made by users.